Monthly Archives: July 2013

Small update for the website


The website has been updated a bit visually (thanks Alex), and I added a couple of new pages: Contact Me and Commissions. I’m working on an About page as well… or I might just add that as a widget on the side bar. Something like that.

Lately I’ve been working on a small post back log so it’ll be easier to update regularly. I’ve been trying to do the same for my drawings and videos, but that hasn’t been working too well… yet! Time to put on my super motivation hat!

In other news: we were working on a point and click game (that I posted about here) for one of my stories, but that got put on the back burner for one of my older ideas… which I hope to be putting up drawings for soon. :) It’s a fun little side scrolly game, reminiscent of Space Invaders. Should be good. :D
