Category Archives: Uncategorized

April Updates

Hey guys!

So I just wanted to write a blog post talking a bit more about what’s going on lately.

In the last blog post I mentioned that I got a new job. It’s not game or art related, just some data entry and talking on the phone type stuff. It’s a nice job but nothing fancy. :)

I was hoping that I’d still be able to do two videos a month, but that’s proving difficult at the current quality level I’m trying to work at. Those extra days taken up by my new job really slow things down, as you’d expect. It’s taking me longer to adjust than I thought! Oh well. D:

I’ll try to make ONE really good artwork where I push myself to make it really awesome, but also do a few quick ones that only take me a day or two to finish up. Kinda still in the thought phase of how this will all go, so I’m just thinking out loud, really. :P Just wanted to post it to try and motivate myself to actually DO it!

In addition to that, as I’ve mentioned here and there, I want to do some Lets Play stuff. I’ve done a few before, where I was recording multiplayer games with my friends. If I don’t try and get too fancy with the editing, those shouldn’t take too long to make. In theory. Again, thinking out loud here. If you have suggestions I’d love to hear them. :D

At least I’m posting on the blog more often! Yay!

To end this blog post, here’s the April Update video I made! It includes a sneak peek at the next art piece I’m working on:

So Far This Year…

So since the last blog post was last year, I thought I’d kind of quickly summarise everything that has happened so far this year.

I’ve released two drawing videos (greatly improved in quality, I think, but tell me what you think?), gotten a part time job (data entry), helped Alex with making our next game (almost done!), aaand… yeah, I think that’s about everything super important. Small list, I suppose, but they’re big things.

Here are the two arty doo-dads!

The last drawing video in particular I am very proud of. I put in some extra time to learn Adobe After Effects and created an animation from the art. I definitely want to do more of that!

The last few weeks have been a bit all over the place as I adjust to my new job, but I should still have enough time to do everything I usually do. I just have to work a bit harder. :D Or well, be more organised anyway. :P

There is something I’m hoping to start up again, and that is ‘let’s play’ style videos. Usually after work I don’t feel like doing much of anything except play some games and go to bed, so maybe I can utilise that time by recording as I play too! Maybe do some co-op gameplay with Alex. Then I can edit the footage on my days off, after I do my usual art and game dev stuff.

I’m not expecting these to be super popular, but I think it will be fun to try. :D


Anyway, ’til next time. :)


Small update for the website


The website has been updated a bit visually (thanks Alex), and I added a couple of new pages: Contact Me and Commissions. I’m working on an About page as well… or I might just add that as a widget on the side bar. Something like that.

Lately I’ve been working on a small post back log so it’ll be easier to update regularly. I’ve been trying to do the same for my drawings and videos, but that hasn’t been working too well… yet! Time to put on my super motivation hat!

In other news: we were working on a point and click game (that I posted about here) for one of my stories, but that got put on the back burner for one of my older ideas… which I hope to be putting up drawings for soon. :) It’s a fun little side scrolly game, reminiscent of Space Invaders. Should be good. :D


Commissions, Suggestions and Requests

Lately I haven’t been able to do any requests! Unfortunately I don’t see that changing very soon. If you reeaaly want me to draw something for you, ask for a commission and the drawing will be one of my top priorities.

I’ve also been thinking that I’ll have to set up a poll somewhere. There are a lot of cool games and people that I want to draw, but picking who to draw next can leave me stumped for a while! Please feel free to suggest things for me to draw. For now the best ways to tell me will be to either leave them in the comments here on the blog or tweet them at me.


This is how I personally define the difference between a suggestion, a request and a commission:

  • Suggestion – You are a fan of something and would like to see me draw that thing.
  • Request – You want me to draw something for yourself personally. This could be a drawing of yourself, your persona, Minecraft character, an original character you came up with yourself… But either you do not want to (or can not) pay.
  • Commission – You would like me to draw something for yourself personally or professionally and want to pay.


So suggestions are in, requests are out (for now) and commissions are available. I’ll put up all the details of commissions soon. If you have any questions at all, leave a comment! :D


Being sick and busy

I haven’t disappeared! I’ve just been sick and busy. xD

I think I’ve had two separate colds, one right after the other. Unfortunately this has happened right at the end of a Study Period where I had a major assignment due, and also during the due date for the Minecraft t-shirt competition that I wanted to enter.

While managing to complete both the assignment and two t-shirt designs, unfortunately the designs didn’t even make it through to the public voting rounds. Boo! I recorded drawing them though, so I can make a couple videos out of the experience at least. Yay! I’ll post up the drawings soon. If people like them enough maybe I can figure out a way to have them printed anyway for fun, if I’m allowed to.

While doing all of this and trying not to be sick I ended up neglecting the internets a bit. Sorry internets! I’ll be back to posting art and videos and all that good stuff now. Hopefully at a slightly better pace, but I’m not going to jinx myself. *touches wood*

Two things have led me to really want to start designing shirts. Drawing the Minecraft shirts for this competition, and also being asked by KPopp (an awesome YouTuber) to let her print my drawing of her on some shirts. I’m definitely going to work on some designs and put them up on a store. I don’t think I’ll print them myself or anything like that, at least not yet. I’ll just go to one of those stores like spreadshirt or zazzle first to see how people react to my stuff.

If any of you know anything about printing shops akin to spreadshirt or zazzle that let you have your own store and such, let me know. :) I still need to do a bit of research on all that. Maybe I’ll write another post with more information about it all.

Anyway, here’s hoping you’re not as sick as I am. I think it’s summer on the other side of the world right now isn’t it? If you’re in summer right now, here’s hoping you’re not boiling too bad. :P


Starting The Blog, Woo!

New Website Comic


My website is finally starting to come together! I’m eager to start blogging about things, so we set it up before the custom theme stuff is ready. I haven’t had a blog in years other than my deviantART journal. I never wanted to talk about things other than my art on there, so this will be an interesting experience in being able to branch out.

A little introduction, perhaps? My name is Elise Le Blanc and I’m from Australia. I’ve studied game development and now I’m continuing my learning with writing (mostly creative, though I’ve studied journalism and some other media writing too). I call myself an artist, and I’m starting to call myself a writer as well.

The plan at the moment is to have this website as sort of a hub for all of my stuff online. I’ll blog about myself and the things that I care about, such as art and games and writing. I’ve been wanting to make more of a “niche” website, but I think it will be easier to do it this way first. If I find myself blogging about one particular topic enough, and it has a good response, I can spin it off into its own thing.

If you have any suggestions for the blog or the website in general, leave a reply and let me know! :D